We recently gathered quotes for our brochures LWT Communications made for us! Unfortunately, we couldn't use every quote that was submitted because there wasn't enough space in our brochure. I did not want these quotes to go unpublished so I am sharing them with you today. Each of these people have been amazing supporters of Footprints! These supporters are parents, nurses and doctors who have really stepped out there and made this ministry into what it is today! To each of you, I was so deeply touched by your heartfelt words as I know everyone who reads them will be as well.
"The Footprints Ministry is the "welcome wagon" of God's grace in the Neonatal Unit at Baptist South. It is available to all, expected by none and totally unconditional. I count it a privilege to be a small part of such a dedicated group. The gift bag provides tangible proof that someone knows just how a new mom of a NICU baby feels and opens the door for ministry to continue." Dana Gallahair RN
"There are very few times in life more challenging then when a parent is faced with a critically ill child. It is during this incredibly vulnerable time that a ministry like Footprints is able to come in and be the hands and feet of Christ to encourage, pray for and grieve with those who are suffering. What a great way to reach people with the love of Jesus Christ!"
Dr. Matthew E. Phillips
“The Footprints Ministry has touched the lives of so many of the families whose children I care for. We are so blessed to have you!”
Dr. Bart Cook, Pediatric Cardiologist
"I had always pictured the perfect pregnancy and the perfect labor and delivery. After I was diagnosed with Pre-Eclampsia and had to C-section deliver my twin daughters at only 27 weeks pregnant, it seemed that some of my dreams had been shattered. Knowing my precious daughters would spend 2 months in the NICU was almost more than I could bare... until Footprints reached out to me and let me know that I was not alone. Reading Footprints families' testimonies on the Footprints Ministries blog gave me hope. Receiving Footprints handwritten notes of encouragement gave me strength. Meeting other Footprints families gave me a community. Hope, strength, and community are all such incredible tools that God uses through Footprints to shape our faith in Christ and to pass His love to others."
Laura Mielke, mother of premature twins Harper and Lily, Montgomery, AL
“I was there when this ministry was born in the hearts and minds of Kim and Glenn. I saw God place this vision in their hearts because of their personal journey with their son John Parker. Because John Parker was in the Nicu, this couple saw a need to minister to others who are hurting as they walk through their personal story. I saw Kim and Glenn stand before our church and commit to spend their lives for the Kingdom of God . They share Christ with those who are afraid, whose future is uncertain, and who feel isolated and helpless. I know, because seventeen years ago my wife Tammie and I looked at our little baby named Logan in the Nicu at Baptist Hospital in Jackson Mississippi. Footprints Ministry was not there for us, but I rejoice that it is there for couples in Montgomery and Beyond.”
Dr. David Grumbach, Pastor of Heritage Baptist Church
“Our little Peyton was a gift from God "fearfully, wonderfully made". Footprints helped ease our "fears" through their prayers, support, and care.”
Jeff and Beth Barranco, parents of premature baby Peyton, Montgomery, AL
"When our daughter was in the NICU at Baptist South our life was distilled to its essence - family, friends and God. Everything else was stripped away and was not missed. Through the prayer card in our welcome basket Footprints Ministry brought to us an extended network of family and friends in God we have never met, likely never will, but whose support will never be forgotten. We emerged from the NICU with a perfect little girl. Life has resumed its normal pace of day to day triumphs and struggles. The only thing missing is that clarity about the priorities of life. Footprints Ministry has never forgotten its priorities and shares this clarity with every new family that enters the NICU. It is a remarkable ministry ran by inspired people. "
David and Tyler Colgan, parents of premature baby Caroline, Atlanta, Georgia
"Your words have supported those who were falling; you encouraged those with shaky knees." Job 4:4