To visit our new blog!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
New Website!
I am so excited to tell you that we launched a new website today at There is also a blog feature in the top right hand corner of our new site. Please visit us there!
Posted by Footprints Ministry at Friday, April 03, 2009 0 comments
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Our Special Janiya!
Do you recognize her?
6 1/2 months and then she was transferred to Children's Hospital in Birmingham for another month and a half. Janiya stayed in the NICU for 8 months! It was a very long journey for her. We are praising the Lord that she is now home!
Her mother has become a very close friend! I told her mom I would have withdrawals not talking to her every week. Well, I haven't had any withdrawals yet because we still talk once a week! Can I just say how special this family is to Footprints! It absolutely amazing to see where Janiya was and where she is now.
Her mom would agree that Janiya would not be where she is without the Lord and all the many prayers for her! So from Janiya and her mommy Thank you to every Footprints supporter who prayed, encouraged, and supported this family during this difficult time! You have each touched them in a way that I could never express! Thank you!
Thank you Lord for this precious family touched by the Footprints Ministry! Thank you Lord for the opportunity we have to share Your love with these NICU families!
Our prayer is that many more families are touched each and every day!
"So it is right that I should feel as I do about all of you, for you have a special place in my heart."Philippians 1:7
Posted by Footprints Ministry at Sunday, March 01, 2009 1 comments
Footprints to the Finishline 2009-Register NOW!!!
We will have our 1st Footprints to the Finishline 5k and 1 mile fun run on March 21, 2009 at GracePointe Church. Registration will begin at 7am. The 5k run will begin at 8am and the 1 mile fun run at 9am. The cost per runner is $20. This includes your t-shirt, refreshments and goody bag. Please click HERE for the registration form. If you would like a t-shirt and do not want to run/walk you can also sign up as a phantom runner for $20.
We are in need of sponsors. If you or your company would like to sponsor the "Footprints to the Finishline" please click HERE. Your company logo will be featured on the back of our "Footprints to the Finishline" t-shirts as well as on our website. The deadline for pre-registration and sponsorships is March 7, 2009.
We are extremely excited about this event! You won't want to miss it! Adults and children of all ages are welcome! It will be an amazing opportunity to provide Footprints bags to many more NICU families! See you there!
You can also visit our Facebook page here
"So I run with purpose in every step" 1 Corinthians 9:26
Posted by Footprints Ministry at Sunday, March 01, 2009 1 comments
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Flapjacks for Footprints in BIRMINGHAM
Footprints Birmingham chapter will kick off their first fundraiser March 14th with a pancake breakfast.
Ruby Tuesday’s in Pelham , AL has graciously opened their doors that morning for Footprints. We will serve patrons pancakes and bacon with their choice of milk, orange juice or coffee for only $7. Come on, who doesn’t love pancakes? All proceeds will benfit the Footprints Ministry.
We are also encouraging families within the NICU to step out and join for a short time. We will be serving all NICU families for FREE! It would be an honor to meet our NICU families! We would love to show you how much we love you and most importantly, Christ loves you!
So, when you wake up and wonder what you want to do for breakfast, remember we are only a short drive away and it will be worth the drive.
We look forward to our first fundraiser!
$7 per plate
March 14th 7:30-10:30a.m.
Ruby Tuesday
615 Cahaba Valley Road
Pelham, AL
You may also call Nicole Collier for more information at 205-240-8323
"For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others" Mark 10:45
Posted by Footprints Ministry at Wednesday, February 25, 2009 1 comments
Friday, February 13, 2009
Footprints LOVES our Volunteers!
There are many, many people who work with this ministry who have never been seen. So today I decided to dedicate this blog posting to some special volunteers who work very,very hard in this ministy. This is just a small portion of the HUGE amount of volunteers who are so supportive and so selfless.I wanted you to see their HEARTS today! Reading these quotes is a great reminder of how blessed this minstry is with amazing volunteers! My words fail me to express how grateful I am for each of them and the work they do! Thank you Lord for each one of these volunteers!
Below are quotes from volunteers-I asked them to complete this sentence
I love volunteering for Footprints because.....
"I love volunteering for Footprints Ministry because it gives me the opportunity to share with the parents something positive and encouraging to them when they have just received news of their infant being premature or sick and being admitted to the NICU. The parents are very appreciative of the gift bag and for many the camera is the only way they have to share pictures of their newborn with family and friends. The Footprints Ministry bag is reassurance to our parents that they are not along during this difficult time and that God is with them through this ordeal. I am very appreciative of this Christian Ministry and allowing me the opportunity to volunteer." Kim Slaughter, RN (FP Bag Distributor) Baptist East Hospital
"I love volunteering for Footprints because it is a great opportunity to minister to families who may be more receptive to the things of God than at any other time." Dana Gallahair, RN(FP bag distributor) Baptist South Hospital
"I love volunteering for Footprints because not only are you passing on God’s blessings to others; you too are blessed in ways that are unimaginable. Giving is one of the most rewarding things a Christian can do. It is a way to express God’s love!" Brittany FolmarI LOVE volunteering for Footprints because for the first time in my life I know that I’m answering God’s call. I love that He led me to this ministry and has given all of us the opportunity to bring a little touch of sunshine to families who are journeying through one of life’s strongest storms. It warms my heart to know that He is still touching lives through the short life my sweet angel Olivia. Lurenda Avery
"I love volunteering for Footprints because we are able to share the love of Christ to people who are in their darkest moments." Robyn Bernier
"I love volunteering for Footprints because of the joy of families I see in my practice, as they relate what Footprints Ministry meant to them." Dr. Bart Cook
"I love volunteering for Footprints because....... It keeps me connected. I re-connect with God’s grace during a time and at a place where only He has planned. I re-connect with God’s words which my heart first heard in situation hard to understand. I re-connect with God’s love which is born from above in the actions of the people I see. I re-connect with my soul and its worth more than gold to know where I’ll spend eternity." Tony Burnham
"I love volunteering for Footprints because I will never forget how they touched our family and I will always be grateful." Tyler Colgan
"I love volunteering for Footprints because it helps keep the memory of my son Aaron alive in my heart."
Amanda Hagen
"I experienced a few hours of worrying and waiting when my son was born many years ago with some respiratory problems and I can relate to how these new parents must feel. God blessed me with 3 healthy children and 7 healthy grandchildren. He has blessed me with a wonderful Christian sewing/embroidery dealer who has been generous to me beyond measure. Being able to embroider for Footprints is one way that I can give back to God the many blessings that he has given me. I have been given a blessing and I am just so thankful that I can use it to the glory of God and this ministry. My grandchildren help me with the burp cloths and that gives me a chance to explain God's love to them and we pray over each burp cloth and that baby that it is going to. What an opportunity for all of us!" Sandi Gandy
"I love volunteering for Footprints because.....each time one of our Footprints Ministry bags is delivered, enclosed is a Godly presence and power that is invisible to the human eye but felt by the human heart; that is the power of prayer for our Footprints babies, families and caregivers. I love being a part of a ministry in which God shows evidence of His glory."
Pam Carroll
"I love volunteering for Footprints because there is no greater joy than knowing that I humbly dedicated my time to a ministry that has so graciously given hope, encouragement and support to families during one of the most challenging times in their life. It is truly satisfying on so many levels. You have to thank God everyday for ministries like Footprints that continue to offer God's wisdom to families who struggle with the obstacles of having a child in the NICU."
Tabitha Hickman
"I love volunteering for Footprints because my family and I enjoy helping people and reaching out to those in need. We had a baby that became a Footprints baby and it was so comforting for us when we got home to get all the cards and just know that so many people were praying for us. "
Ann Frank
"I love volunteering for Footprints because I love these precious little babies that God has so graciously blessed us with. To know and see what they go through in the NICU breaks my heart and I want to do anything I can to make them more comfortable and to share the love of Jesus with their families. God has so abundantly blessed my family and he never left my side as we were going through our NICU journey with our little girl, Emily Beth. I feel that God allows things to happen to us for a reason and when he calls us to minister we should always follow his command. I pray for these babies daily and for their families who are at one of the lowest points in their life. I believe that it takes special people to volunteer for this ministry and God puts people in place for that sometimes long before they even realize it. Looking back, having my little girl in the NICU was one of the hardest things I have ever had to go through but I am thankful that he has given me the opportunity to minister to other people through their precious little ones."
Janatha Thompson
"I love volunteering for Footprints because it is such a good way to show the love that God has shown us in a difficult time. Through Footprints parents are able to find a peace and comfort that only the one true and living God can give. It's our way of being God's arms and wrapping them around these parents during a time that should be celebratory."
Alison Baggett
"I love volunteering for Footprints because we know that life is precious. God performs a miracle every time a child is born and we are privileged to work through Footprints for His glory." Sharon Cook
"I love volunteering for Footprints because my family is a living example of what this ministry is all about. Offering support to those who need it at the most important times." Will Hickman
"I love volunteering for Footprints because each tiny little life is a testimony of God's miraculous power!!!!!" Kim Keefe
"I love volunteering for Footprints because I KNOW god is present." Beth Bowman
"I love volunteering for Footprints because I know Jesus is served well and glorified through the efforts of His people serving the needs of others physically, emotionally and spiritually. I have seen the results of Footprints ministry and know this to be true because not only are the lives are changed for the ones served but the ones serving!" Betty Cody
"I love volunteering for Footprints because it gives me a chance to pray for each baby that will receive a gift bag while I'm sewing a burp pad. I know I'll probably never know these families but our family walked through an NICU stay and it was a very hard, lonely, frightening time. We were so grateful for such touching acts of kindness. It makes me realize that God puts us in these people's lives even before these babies are born to help prepare their way. He's such an awesome planner!" Jeanne Tuley
"I love volunteering for Footprints because it is an amazing ministry that helps so many people. I always leave any event that Footprints has with a smile. Whitney Wilson
I love volunteering for Footprints because.......When Ethan was in the NICU, I gave everything over to God. I told him if Ethan could pull through this then I would turn my life over to Him in the way it needed to be. From there I felt led to let Kim know I would love to help in anyway. Needless to say, I did not think that would be as the head of Birmingham Footprints. So, here I am. Sharing God with families in the NICU and having fun while doing it!" Nicole Collier
"I love volunteering for Footprints because.......I can’t imagine being in a situation where holding on to hope is more important. Footprints provides so many with the opportunity of hope and peace through God’s love!" Kelli Alfreds
"This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you." John 15:12
Posted by Footprints Ministry at Friday, February 13, 2009 2 comments
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Footprints to the Finishline 2009
We will have our 1st Footprints to the Finishline 5k and 1 mile fun run on March 21, 2009 at GracePointe Church. Registration will begin at 7am. The 5k run will begin at 8am and the 1 mile fun run at 9am. The cost per runner is $20. This includes your t-shirt, refreshments and goody bag. Please click HERE for the registration form. If you would like a t-shirt and do not want to run/walk you can also sign up as a phantom runner for $20.
We are in need of sponsors. If you or your company would like to sponsor the "Footprints to the Finishline" please click HERE. Your company logo will be featured on the back of our "Footprints to the Finishline" t-shirts.
The deadline for registration and sponsorships is March 7, 2009.
We are extremely excited about this event! You won't want to miss it! Adults and children of all ages are welcome! It will be an amazing opportunity to provide Footprints bags to many more NICU families! See you there!
"So I run with purpose in every step"
1 Corinthians 9:26
Posted by Footprints Ministry at Sunday, February 01, 2009 3 comments
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Sharing Christ's Love
A few weeks ago we had a wonderful opportunity to work with the 11th grade girls from First Baptist Church of Prattville. As a part of their DiscipleNow weekend they came and made Footprints bags and Valentines crafts and cards for the NICU families. The girls did an amazing job! One of the girls made a card and here's what it said:
I love you so much. I think about your scent, voice and personality everyday. I dream of the day when I can be in your arms forever. The way you rock me and sing to me warms my heart. I long for that day. I give thanks to God for putting me in your life. Thank you for loving me. You are molded in my heart forever.
Posted by Footprints Ministry at Wednesday, January 28, 2009 1 comments
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Birmingham's 1st Bag Stuffing!
This past weekend Birmingham Footprints had our first opportunity to make bags in Birmingham . It was a wonderful testament to how Footprints is a community ministry as we had people from all over the tri-county area. Most, if not all, had children in the NICU and felt the Lord call them to this ministry. It was a great, yet sobering feeling to realize most everyone in the room had struggled with the NICU at one point in time. That struggle had manifested itself into a celebration of the Lord through serving him through making the bags in hope that just one family would feel Christ’s love and comfort.
After starting to deliver bags to St. Vincent’s in September of last year, I would sometimes get discouraged for not having the resources to do this appropriately here in Birmingham . However, the Lord always knows what he is doing. He waited until we had the right people in place for our first bag making. He continued telling me, wait. I continued saying, I don’t want to wait. However, it was completely worth the wait. I want to thank all of those who were on hand. Without them and their wonderful spirit of giving, we would not have been able to pull this off.
Alison Bagget
Lurenda Avery
Sally Crumpton and Rachel Crumpton
Janatha Thompson and Anna Thompson
Heidi Gobbel
Katie Wagner
Matt Collier
Amanda Westbrook
We were able to put together 28 bags to be delivered to St. Vincent ’s Hospital. We had a wonderful time together as we had fellowship with each other and can not wait until the next time we are able to get together to make the bags.
Nicole Collier
"Yes, you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous. And when we take your gifts to those who need them, they will thank God."
1 Corinthians 9:11
Posted by Footprints Ministry at Thursday, January 15, 2009 1 comments
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Leavin Footprints at a Marathon!
Thank you to the following sponsors:
Amanda Bailey
Brown Chambless Architects, Inc.
Frank and Carol Anne Dagostin
Will and Tabitha Hickman
Gabe Martin
Carey Moseley
Josh and Rachel Myers
Renal Associates of Montgomery
Dr. Marla Wool
Michael and Susan Willis
Up next for Will is planning our Footprints Run on March 21st. We'll be posting on the details soon! Thank you Will for all you are doing for Footprints!
"Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us."
Hebrews 12:1

Posted by Footprints Ministry at Thursday, January 08, 2009 2 comments